jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

Bradley method in chileans hospitals

aim: Demonstrate of the effectiveness  bradley method in two hospitals of Chile.

MethodThis study is about the conditions of some of the busiest public hospitals of Santiago, to apply them unconventional techniques to relieve pain in childbirth, like Bradley method, with the purpose of health staff know and apply these techniques.
  In San Borja hospital  sixty percent of women are at least 6hours pre-partum, seventy percent of women felt a strong pain before delivery, and  twenty percet  of women had a forceps delivery
 In Barros Luco hospital fourty percent of women are least 6 hours pre-partum, eighty percent felt a strong pain before delivery, and twenty percent had a forceps delivery.

During this time in this 2 hospitals women are injected with oxytocin to speed up the process. (and they can not receive visitors). at the time of birth can come a partner, and if possible, anesthesia  is injected.

Resultin the antepartum rooms were implemented balls, hot showers, cold compresses, and let enter a doula  (friend or couple of the woman) to help women to exercise the Bradley method. Finally it was observed in 2 hospitals 80% women with vaginal delivery  dont require  anesthesia, and forceps deliveries decreased 10% on average in the 3 hospitals studied .

if health stuff use these simple elements, or similar alternatives, complications in childbirth would decrease by 40%. and would be better the quality of service in public hospitals chileans.

Key words: Bradley Method, Chilean Hospital, Pain, Childbirth.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

unconventional techniques to alleviate painful in childbirths.

Why this topic is of interest?
 Everybody knows how painfull deliveries are. and everybody knows anesthesia and controlled respiration is used in hospitals for pain control. but, is this enough? some women are allergic to anesthetic, sometimes deliveries happen in cars, homes and other places outside  hospital. so, what we can do in such cases?

 My future presentation is about some methods to relieve the pain of childbirth. (these don`t replace the anesthesia). as old as the pain in childbirth as old are some techniques, so i select some methods we can use this days, in our culture and those who are not dangerous to the mother or the babyThese are: Lazame techniques, Bradley method, acupuncture, hypnosis, rhytmic movements and Tens. 

Main issues:
-method name
-when we use it?
-necessary equipment

finally as a midwifery, it is important and useful to us  knows different ways to relief pain in childbirths.  using this techniques  in our work to transform the delivery in a natural and beautiful experience.