jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

unconventional techniques to alleviate painful in childbirths.

Why this topic is of interest?
 Everybody knows how painfull deliveries are. and everybody knows anesthesia and controlled respiration is used in hospitals for pain control. but, is this enough? some women are allergic to anesthetic, sometimes deliveries happen in cars, homes and other places outside  hospital. so, what we can do in such cases?

 My future presentation is about some methods to relieve the pain of childbirth. (these don`t replace the anesthesia). as old as the pain in childbirth as old are some techniques, so i select some methods we can use this days, in our culture and those who are not dangerous to the mother or the babyThese are: Lazame techniques, Bradley method, acupuncture, hypnosis, rhytmic movements and Tens. 

Main issues:
-method name
-when we use it?
-necessary equipment

finally as a midwifery, it is important and useful to us  knows different ways to relief pain in childbirths.  using this techniques  in our work to transform the delivery in a natural and beautiful experience.

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